• The Circle Game

    “You be a good girl, now”, she said to me at the end of our call – my mother’s 94 year-old voice, sounding weary but happy. I put the phone down, smiling into a memory long ago forgotten – the…

  • To Be Remembered

    Black and white images shift through my mind, like ghosts taunting me with their presence. They synchronize their dance and float in and around my head. Kindred souls drawing me in and insisting on my attention. They won’t go away.…

  • The Passing of Time

    “I feel like we were just on this road yesterday” he said quietly, his mind chewing on the disbelief that our vacation week had passed so quickly. “I know,” I answered back, my own mind nodding silently in agreement with…

  • Fortitude

    I sat on the sidelines yesterday watching my teenage granddaughter run around the volleyball court doing the most favorite thing she loves to do. It’s awesome to see. She’s not the tallest. Nor the strongest. But she doesn’t have to…

  • “Like A Rock”

    That beautiful spring of 1970 was filled with the buzzed anticipation of an exciting future. It felt like an actor must feel before going onstage. Or, how a singer must feel when hearing their song for the first time on…

  • Our Tribe

    Your body slowly pulls out of its drowsy state of slumber as you snuggle peacefully in the arms of dreaminess. You blink your eyes slowly awake, relishing in the promise of another day, a new beginning, a refreshed body, a…

  • The Journey

    A blink. The flicker of the eye that takes less than a second. A snap in time. A blip in the vast space of infinity. Involuntary swiftness. A definition of quickness. In a blink, my blue eyed daughter grew into…